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Spring 2021 Virtual Collaboration Meeting - Aachen


The 2021 Spring Collaboration Meeting will be conducted virtually from March 17 - 26, 2021.

Parallel sessions will be March 17 - 19 and March 22 - 23.

Plenary sessions will be March 24 - 26.

Additional Meetings:

Monday, March 22 @7:00-8:00 CDT - Early Career Scientist (ESC) Meeting

Monday, March 22 @12:00-13:00 CDT - “Science Communication & Gender” workshop by Ramona Liedtke (30-min talk followed by Q+A and short activity)

When John Money first distinguished between the biological sex versus gender as a social role in the 1950ies, ‘gender’ was still mostly used to refer to a grammatical category. Seventy years later the term is commonly understood to be a social construct and used to describe and discuss the social roles of men and women, including inequalities between both groups. Governments and organizations all over the world are taking measures to counter such gender inequalities, which can range from an imbalance between the amount of men and women working in certain fields (e.g. STEM) to discrimination against one of the two groups. At RWTH Aachen University, the rectorate staff unit Integration Team – Human Resources, Gender and Diversity Management (IGaD) has established several programs and activities to promote gender equality as well as diversity and inclusivity. One of them is to advise applicants when writing research proposals on the use of gender-sensitive language and to help conceptualize project-specific equal opportunities measures, the new standard in funding requirements. Thus, gender awareness has become ignificant also in science communication: scientists, politicians, journalists and the public talk / write about inequalities in all types of media. How do you as a scientist prepare for that?

Ramona Liedtke (she/her) is a member of the Rectorate Staff Unit, Integration Team – Human Resources, Gender and Diversity Management at RWTH Aachen University.

Wednesday, March 24 @11:00-12:00 CDT – A special presentation by Tim Otto Roth: “When neutrinos make you cry”

On Wednesday, March 24 @11:00 CDT, join us for “When neutrinos make you cry,” a special presentation of art and science by conceptual artist and composer Dr. Tim Otto Roth, hosted by RWTH Aachen during the Spring 2021 Virtual Collaboration Meeting. Dr. Roth takes viewers on a journey through [aiskju:b], a walkable light and sound installation consisting of 444 illuminated loudspeakers that creates a novel immersive experience of physical events recorded by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica. “This is science through the eye, the ear, sometimes even the diaphragm” summarizes Christian Spiering after his first encounter with the sound laboratory [aiskju:b] during the premiere 2018 in Berlin. Starting with a little performance, this presentation will be a walk on the borderline between the arts and the sciences demonstrating the power of disruption. This excursion includes also interviews with students from RWTH Aachen who formed the technical team building the installation and accompanying the past presentations in Berlin, Munich and Aachen. Last but not least, Dr. Roth will demonstrate why, according to the renowned art historian Horst Bredekamp, “[aiskju:b] is not a reproduction but a response.”

Detailed Schedule: available on Indico