Wednesday, October 8, 2014
All sessions are in the Industry room on the third floor of Union South.
Project Updates
9:00 - Fermi Update, Julie McEnery (GSFC)
9:30 - VERITAS Update, Andrew W Smith (UMD/GSFC)
9:50 - HAWC Update, Brenda Dingus (LANL)
Event Detection Overview
10:10 - Event Detection with Fermi, Jeremy Perkins (GSFC)
10:25 - Overview of VERITAS Data Reconstruction and Analysis. Jeff Grube (Adler)
10:45 - Detecting Gamma-ray Sources with HAWC, Brian Baughman (UMD)
11:05 Break in Agriculture room
Analysis Topics 1
11:30 - AGN Flare Follow-Up, Pepa Becerra (CRESST/UMBC/GSFC)
11:50 - Real-Time Alerts from the HAWC Online Flare Monitor- Tom Weisgarber (UW-Madison)
12:20 - Measures of Variability for Extragalactic Objects, Jonathan Biteau (UCSC)
12:50 Lunch on your own
Analysis Topics 2
2:00 - Search for Periodic Emission in TeV Sources with HAWC, Segev BenZvi (U Rochester)
2:20 - Joint Studies of Galactic Sources, Nahee Park (U Chicago)
2:40 - Eating Something Bigger Than Your Head: Toward Detecting Highly Extended Sources with VERITAS, Amanda Weinsten (ISU)
3:00 Break in Agriculture room
Analysis Topics 3
3:30 - High Energy Sources in Fermi LAT, Marco Ajello (Clemson)
3:50 - HAWC perspectives on the EBL using 1FHL sources, Alberto Caraminana (INAOE)
6:30 Dinner at Ristorante Cento 122 W Mifflin St, Madison, WI
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Hands On Session 1
9:00 - Current Status of HAWC Analysis, John Pretz (PSU)
9:20 - VEGAS: VERITAS Gamma-ray Analysis Suite, Karlen Shahinyan (U Minn)
9:40 - VERITAS and Gammalib, Hugh Dickinson (ISU)
10:00 - Fermi GRB/Transient Tutorial, Veronique Pelassa (UAH)
10:20 Break in Agriculture room
Hands On Session 2
10:20 - 3ML + HAWC, Giacomo Vianello (Stanford)
12:30 Lunch on your own
Hands On Session 3
2:00 - The HAWC-side of 3ML: A likelihood analysis framework, Robert Lauer (UNM)
2:30 - Adding extended sources to the 3ML framework, Pat Harding (LANL)
2:50 - Multi-mission likelihood: Source morphology, Michelle Hui (MTU)
3:10 - Extended sources with HAWC, Hao Zhou (MTU)
3:30 Break in Agriculture room
Joint Project Updates
4:00 - VERITAS Follow-up, Udara Abeysekara (UU)
4:20 - VERITAS TAC Overview, Manel Errando (Columbia)