Registration & Payment
Please register for the IceCube meeting on the Indico DESY page. This is the only way to register for the meeting.
For the MANTs meeting, please register and pay on the MANTs meeting page. Indico Website (password protected). Fee for this meeting will be announced soon.
The meeting fee includes coffee, all break food, meeting handouts, public transportation, welcome party and conference banquet dinner.
IceCube Meeting Fee 275 EUR (includes breaks & banquet) IceCube Banquet Extra Guests 80 EUR per guest IceCube Meeting fee-Late 300 EUR (after August 28th)
Payment options:
Online payment Cash (Isn’t preferred, but if there is no other option please contact Julia Eckert at Wire Transfer Info for wire transfer: Bank Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse in Potsdam IBAN DE591605 0000 3666 0248 65 BIC/SWIFT WELADED1PMB
Reason for payment IceCube 252101
Address of the bank: Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse in Potsdam Miersdorfer Chaussee 15 15738 Zeuthen Germany
Unfortunately there is no way to pay via check.